Bragging is My Birthright ?

Bragging to learn & share ! 

Before I jumped on this bandwagon of internet and websites and blogs, I never used  to show my work in an organised manner. But in the times of internet, which has become so powerful and intrusive in our life that you and your work are able to reach others only if you are on the net and visible in the virtual world. And I feel its all 'bragging' which works on internet. I must show and show off, I do not mean literally about bragging the way it is in the dictionaries.

Internet is, probably, the best invention for the humanity in this millennium. Most can not even think of living for an hour without internet, that is what internet has done to most. I am sure, many will agree that its also a double edged weapon. Inspite of that, internet is literally a lifeline for the modern times.

Here, I am going to share all I know about photography, travel and snakes; mostly with the help of my photography. I also follow Indian philosophy that  `ONE ENHANCES KNOWLEDGE BY SHARING'. But I have seen and felt that most people feel insecure if they are asked to share the secrets of their skills and talents. I admire all those people who have shared great knowledge and their trade secrets as well on the internet. They have changed the face of learning on earth for human beings. Here I am going to follow them by sharing whatever little I know about the subjects, which are part of my life now. 

I am often asked about "how I did that shot". To curtail my typing of similar mails on the same subject, many times over, I decided to encash on free facility of Blogging and some websites. In this Blog, I will try to showcase some select photos clicked by me, some of which have description as a related story. These are for those who wish to read a bit more, others may simply overlook.

The title of this Blog itself smells of blatant bragging. But trust me, its not intentional, this was one of the ways to grab a name from Blogger's long list, which has almost got exhausted for straight names, by the time latecomers like me arrived at their doorstep. I request you to overlook the pungent smell of the title and enjoy some of my photos, which I would love to share with you all.

Who doesn't like to share with friends? I am going a little beyond my friends list via internet.